Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tocando el piano/Playing the piano


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola MSG!

Matt and I are here in Saunders and we saw Gabriel's video where his tita is reading him the story of el gato de Dr. Seuss. Gabriel is muy guapo like his padre!

It is humid and hot here in Chapel Hill. Matt will fly to Cuba later this month. Tina is holing in her carrel in the library finishing her dissertation before she heads to Texas (Texas A&M) to begin her tenure as assistant professor.

Y Tito Joseph is flying to Manila on July 20 til August 23 for the last phase of his dissertation data gathering and watch more pelikulas!

Ciao ciao and email us occasionally!

No se burle de mi!

11:52 AM  
Blogger siddharth said...

Wow!!!!!! messenger of God already started spreading his message through music. Just wanted to say that we are able to hear you across the atlantic.

11:55 AM  

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