Monday, October 22, 2007

Babies at work in Cape Cod/ Los bebes al ataque en verano

Santi exploring the sand

Gako- A por las cervezas!!!

Gako tackling the adults

Saludos de Santi!

Mas Paseos-More Walks- Scarsdale

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

September 7: Officially walking/ comienza a andar el solito!

Santiago & Gabriel!!!- Happy Birthday! /Cumpleanos Feliz!

August 8th is Santi's birthday and September 5th is Gabriel's one, we celebrated right in between the two cousin's one year anniversaries/ El 8 de agosto es el cumple de Santi y el 5 de septiembre el de Gabriel. Celebramos el primer aniversario de los primos justo en el medio de las dos fechas

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Escenas de Cape Cod/ Scenes from Cape Cod

La casa de Chatham/ Chatham house

Hip-HOp Baby

MC Gakster Blaster- the Master Rapper

U can't touch this!

Word to ya Mutha!

Cape Cod Ho!! Al Cabo del Bacalao!?- A por las ballenas!/ Pirates and whales!

A navegar!/ Navigational charts at the ready!

Capitan Cobarrubias at the healm!/ El Capitan cobarrubias en la proa!

We've found them